Independent Senior Consultant

Projects and Clients

Projects (Extract from the last 30 years)

  • Multiple clearing projects
    • An asian's clearing house bond future clearing functional architect and team lead
    • Eurex Clearing CCP inital release functional team lead
    • Eurex Clearing C7 first releases organisational readiness team lead
    • Eurex 1, 2 functional team lead and Eurex 3 test team lead
  • Various trading projects
    • Xetra 6.x build lead
    • T7 1.0 functional team team
    • Shanghai Stock Exchange bond future trading concept
    • Avant-garde trading system due diligence content lead
    • Eurex 1, 2 functional team lead and Eurex 3 test team lead
  • Some other projects
    • Eurex Clearing client onboarding business analyist

Clients over the last 30 years

An Asian Clearing House, A Chinese Exchange, Chicago Board of Trades (CBoT), Clearstream Banking, Deutsche Börse, E.ON Netz, Eurex Trading, Eurex Clearing, Irish Stock Exchange (ISE), European Commodity Clearing (ECC), European Energy Exchange (EEX), A European Exchange, Helsinki Exchanges (HEX), Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), Singapore Exchanges (SGX), Various Banks, Xetra